Thursday, June 10, 2010

Week 1:Entry 3: George Condo

Years ago before I was really interested in outlandish art, I came upon a portrait of the Queen with a carrot projected threw her head and a natural reaction is to think that the piece was very odd. So I began to research the piece and it was ironically called “Portrait of a Queen.” While researching I came upon many other extreme pieces and finally discovered the creator of them all. It was an artist by the name of George Condo.

George Condo was born in Concord, New Hampshire but currently resides in New York. He is known for his bizarre twist on portraits because they always consist of wild caricatures. “His subjects are classically posed, dramatically lit, and surrounded by conflated fragments from the history of painting.” His pieces are very eye opening because the objects in his paintings originate from his imagination. They usually consist of “glass bottles, draper… and vague empty settings to better project the subject of the picture.”

Condo has been displaying his artwork for many years and each year it year it becomes more striking. It’s always a pleasure to view art that doesn’t conform to the typical clean cut genre of portraits. The bizarre pieces he delivers are images in his own world and by painting them he gives his audience a view of what his world consist of. They may not always be comprehensive but they will always attract your attention.

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